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What can I do?

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Get Up Offa' That Thing

Bird feeders should be placed high up off the ground to hinder hunting attempts by cats lurking behind ground-level vegetation. Any food that is offered at or near the ground should be placed far away from vegetation cover.

Bells and Whistles

Adding a bell to your cat's collar can provide an auditory warning to nearby birds and thereby reduce hunting success (Ruxton et al. 2002; Gordon et al. 2010). Evidence suggests that changing the bell may be necessary to refresh its effect in cases where your cat has learned to move in such a way that minimizes jingling (Paton 1991).

Birds Be Safe


Cats rely on stealth when hunting. The bright colours of a Birdsbesafe® collar cover provide a readily perceivable visual warning to birds. An independent study conducted in New York, U.S.A. determined an 87% average reduction in birds caught by cats wearing Birdsbesafe® collar covers relative to cats without the collars (Wilson et al. 2015).

Baby, It's Bad Out There

The most effective way to prevent your cat from killing wild birds is to keep her inside. However, even restricting the time your cat spends outdoors can benefit bird populations. Because young birds are particularly vulnerable to cat predation, keeping your cat indoors is most effective during spring and summer (Blancher 2013).

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